Great stories for today's kids
experienced storytellers who've toured across Canada and into the USA
Public School Shows
The Secret of Castle Alphabet - Show #1
Themes: Self awareness, uniqueness, making a difference in the world, good citizenship,
Show Synopsis:
When Mea happens upon a mysterious old castle, she unearths the age old legend that one day, a true heir of the lost kingdom will return. A personal sense of responsibility leads Mea to follow the instructions of the friendly caretaker, while she waits for a ride home. When another castle occupant throws down the gauntlet, Mea's sense of self-awareness, ability to show respect, care, and patience are all put to the test in an ultimate face off. This fantastical, imaginative, and interactive story will challenge students to believe that world change happens one person at a time and that each of them, have the ability to change someone's world, by just being the best version of themselves.
Grade Suitability: K–8
Duration: 55 mins
Max audience: 500
Cost: $900+GST
Something's Rotten at Castle Alphabet - Show #2
Themes: the power of words/social media, mental health awareness and anti bullying.
Show Synopsis: Back at Castle Alphabet a great rift exists among those who work and live inside and outside the castle. Pulled out of her own world by castle magic, Paige is very quickly charged with this task: Unite the Kingdom.
As she works to complete her quest, inviting insiders and outsiders to an evening party, Paige discovers the source of the feuding and is then put to the test in a deadly duel. A conversation with the King helps Paige realize that despite completing her quest, she too has been complicit in perpetuating the very thing that’s brought divide in the Kingdom. Pleading to not be returned to her own world, she is assured that the lessons learned at Castle Alphabet apply in her non-magical world too, and that she must return to resume her place, as an irreplaceable part of her world, a gift that should never be withheld.
Grade Suitability: K–8
Duration: 55 mins
Max audience: 500
Cost: $900+GST
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